The Macallan Rare Cask Single Malt Scotch 750ML
The Macallan Rare Cask Single Malt Scotch is a whisky created by hand from Macallan’s Master Whiskey Maker. Crafted from handpicked oak casks seasoned with Spanish sherry and a high percentage of single malt whiskies that are first fill, this scotch is considered to be precious. Consider yourself one of a lucky few as you enjoy this beyond-top-shelf scotch.
The way the flavors interact with each other in this scotch can best be compared to an orchestral performance. An aroma that is rich with vanilla notes, bold and loud with raisin, and accented by chocolate lingers into an ensemble of apple and citrus fruits balanced by spices of cinnamon, clove, ginger and nutmeg.
Following that buildup, a procession of oak and spices take over the performance on the palate, highlighted by the return of chocolate, raisin and vanilla for a familiar chorus highlighting the background. A finish that is light and warm closes out the performance, highlighted by the return of the citrus zest from earlier — only this time in a stand-out role without the spices to balance.
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