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Leblon Cachaca Rum 750ML

Leblon Cachaca Rum 750ML

  • $ 2999

Leblon traps a light ”rummy” bouquet with fruity and tequila-like herbal notes. Leblon has a smooth entry, with pleasing layers of fruity cane and spices; all in a clean silky texture. With a creamy full body, Leblon exhibits a spice box with toasty vanillas that create a crème brulé and for some, hints of butterscotch. The spirit warms in the mouth and leaves a gentle sweetness in the middle of the tongue that flowers as it lasts, much like a refined tequila. For such a lively spirit, the warm, velvety finish is a lasting surprise. Leblon mixes extremely well with almost any fruit and couples nicely with other ingredients from herbs to liqueurs. It can also be sipped chilled as it is the most pure of the white cachaças.