El Rey Zapoteco Tequila Joven Mezcal 750ml
Clear color, Exotic aromas of grilled pineapple,Pepper and olives, goats milk cheese, and singed herbs with a supple, medium-to-full bodied and a hot nuanced, medium-long, dried tropical fruit, peppery spice, and white cigar ash finish. A viobrant and sucilent Mezcal with tons of agave personality.
color. Exotic aromas of grilled pineapples, pepper and olives, goat’s
milk cheese, and singed herbs with a supple, fruity medium-to-full body
and a hot, nuanced, medium-long, dried tropical fruit, peppery spice,
and white cigar ash finish. A vibrant and succulent mezcal with tons of
fresh agave personality.
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